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      2. 2020 Winter Recruitment

        2020-10-09 11:49:52 admin 1145
        Ceramic Experiment Analyst-1. Serious and responsible work, with a rigorous and meticulous working attitude, and actively work hard to complete the tasks assigned by the minister;
        2. Possess deep professional knowledge, skilled operation skills and rich experience in quality testing and chemical analysis tests;
        3. Observe things keenly, have good analytical and judgment ability, make accurate conclusions on inspections and tests, and strive for perfection in work;
        4. Adhere to seeking truth from facts, objective and fair, strict law enforcement, and not favoritism;
        Foreign sales assistant-1. College degree or above;
        2. More than 1-2 years of work experience in the foreign trade industry;
        3. Quick response, strong expression skills, strong communication skills and communication skills;
        4. Responsible and able to withstand greater work pressure;
        Sales elite-1. College degree or above, marketing and other related majors;
        2. More than 1-2 years of work experience in the sales industry, outstanding performance is preferred;
        3. Quick response, strong expression ability, strong communication and communication skills, and affinity;
        4. Have a certain market analysis and judgment ability, and a good sense of customer service;
        5. Be responsible and able to withstand greater work pressure;
        6. Have teamwork spirit and be good at challenges.
        • Good life plan

        • Smart toilet
        • Rock board home life
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        BoTest 陶瓷網(wǎng) 武漢理工大學(xué) vbglaze

        Copyright (c) 2002-2021 Zibo juncera Ceramic Material Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 魯ICP備19003072號(hào)-1 E-mail Technical Support:YUYISTUDIO